ISO 9001 Compliant Program: Steps to Build

Written by Chris Anderson

Continued from page 1

Plan and Develop Your Program

To build a program and meetrepparttar requirements, your organization can begin with effective training for how to create well-defined processes. You will first want to learn how to identifyrepparttar 103593 objectives necessary to deliver top results. And then you will be ready to put those processes to work.

Monitor and Improve Your Program

After you’ve implementedrepparttar 103594 ISO program, you should monitor and measurerepparttar 103595 processes against your own objectives. You can build an effective management system that objectively shows what you’re doing right and wrong. To learn how, you can take advantage of an Internal Auditor skills class and learn how to bridgerepparttar 103596 gap and move toward continual performance improvement.

Improve Process Performance

With ISO 9001 compliance you can improverepparttar 103597 overall process performance of your business. And this can save money while satisfying your customers and increasing profit.

Chris Anderson is co-author of policies and procedures manual products, producing the layout, process design and implementation of the information to increase performance. He is currently the Managing Director of Bizmanualz, Inc. Visit: Bizmanualz, Inc.

Managers Don't Know Any Better!

Written by Fred Mercer

Continued from page 1

And this is absolutely what Managers are directly responsible for today, and moreover, absolutely haverepparttar power to accomplish. Creating that ‘feeling’. -2-

A recent 2004 study inrepparttar 103592 UK showed that over 70% of managers spoke less than 30 minutes a day cumulatively to their team! And a staggering 30% less than 30 minutes a week! And our North American results are not far behind. Now I don’t know about you, but how someone who is responsible for my productivity is going to understand me, my strengths, my weaknesses, and my goals without regularly talking with me…is just crazy! They don’t have any chance of tapping into that ‘feeling’ of mine where I could give 100% easily. Unfortunately for them they probably do not have any possibility of reaching their targets orrepparttar 103593 company’s targets successfully either. Managers primarily need to coach not monitor. Yes, understand what their team’s results are….but spend ten times that amount on understanding, encouraging, and positioning each employee that reports to them. How much time does your manager(s) spend understanding their team individually? Do they talk with you once a year for goal setting and then once again before review time, and hardly anything in between? How much time do they spend writing reports vs making their team’s strength’s come alive and weaknesses diminish? How much time do they spend fixing employee problems and spats instead of encouraging their strengths and positioning them to allow them to use these?

Butrepparttar 103594 most exciting part about this new Coaching approach is….IT’S EASY. Yes many managers might have to do a severe mind switch, and some egomaniac managers might have to be let go, but overall we’re not talking rocket science here. For those managers reading this; it’s a commitment to understanding what your real role is, and a commitment to your team that you will individually position them forrepparttar 103595 best results possible. If your company needs results for any reason, this is an area that when given attention, will pay HUGE dividends.

Managers need to think of themselves asrepparttar 103596 Coaches of professional sporting teams and not asrepparttar 103597 General Managers. Let their directors, executives & owners dorepparttar 103598 bulk ofrepparttar 103599 analyzing, monitoring and company movement….and use their time to concentrate on their players (their staff) and how to getrepparttar 103600 best results from them daily, weekly and monthly. Without these individual player and team results…no amount of fancy marketing, new inventions, slick processes, visionary goal setting, etc will spell success. Coach your team don’t just manage them,repparttar 103601 results will speak for themselves!

Fred Mercer is an National Award Winning Young Entrepreneur in Canada and now Professional Speaker and Peak Performance Coach. His company Cabot Coaching creates peak performers both in the business and personal world, through event speaking, seminars, and consulting services. To enquire further about booking Fred Mercer please contact Cabot Coaching for his schedule. e-mail;, web

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